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Introduction ! ☆ NEW PROJECT ☆

Hello  (*^^*)
I am Mashichan or Miyu for short from America and I'm new to the blog as leader ☆

I know that this is a bit late but I have talked with Yurii leader from Mexico and now I'm a part full time (・∀・*) 

I have updated Profile with my info ・ω・  So please welcome me with wide arms Pareedan ♡

A   L   S    O



Create your own song or composition  for your favorite members ! ☆

 The song or composition  must be written in your own language and it will be translated.

Then  send your lyrics/ compisiton to Majo no Yuutsu ☆ ☆

 The responsibles will chose the best fragements  and make a final song and remixes before PaRADEiS  offical disband .

A  L   S   O 

Send your fanart   and draws with your own message and they will be put in  a booklet and sent to PaRADEiS ☆ (^□^*)    * message only in japanese. *   Art may be scanned  ( prefferably ) or  HD photo of 1600x1200  and sent  to Majo no yuutsu .

Limit Date:  2012 September,  30